Sagamore Hills PTA Google account
Documenting how Sagamore Hills PTA uses, and how to use, various Google products
Google Calendar
See Sagamore calendar implementation.
Google Drive
See Sagamore Google Drive (online file storage and collaboration).
Google Apps
Google Apps allow organizations to use Google services (Gmail, Google Drive, and YouTube, etc.) with their own domain (
), users, and access controls. As part of the Google for Nonprofits program, the PTA has free use of the Google Apps for Education tier of Google Apps. [Explain more]
There's a single account,
, as of 2013-07-23, that can be used to [log into Google Apps] (but nothing more).
Google Grants (AdWords)
This is your space to edit, John! ☺
Google for Nonprofits
The PTA as a nonprofit is enrolled in Google's Google for Nonprofits program as of July, 2013 (see the setup notes for details).
The program is managed by Google Accounts designated as program Administrators at . As of July, 2013, this is the following (but obviously should include something PTA official (e.g.
- Dave Barker (2013-07-18)
- John Lenz (2013-07-23)
Being in the Google for Nonprofits program allows the Sagamore Hills PTA to enroll in "exclusive nonprofit products". The PTA is currently (2013-07) enrolled in Google Apps for Nonprofits, but may be interested in Google Grants (AdWords), YouTube for Nonprofits, or others.
Google manages access to its services through Google Accounts. A Google Account sign in looks like an any email address (not just
). You can create a Google Account.
The following Google Accounts are somehow associated with Sagamore Hills PTA.
This is currently (2013-09) the only user account, and should be the owner of all Sagamore Hills PTA Google hosted resources.
An account had to be created when Google Apps for was initiated by Dave on 2013-07-19. The username is admin and a password hint is sag. As of 2013-07-19, it can only be used to log into the Google Apps control panel (no email).
Google groups can be used both for communications (i.e. discussion lists) and permission/ownership assignment.
Anyone involved with the PTA (needs to manipulate PTA resources (e.g. calendar)) is assigned to this group by , and this group is assigned full access to all Sagamore Hills PTA Google hosted resources. That way, as individuals come in and out of the PTA, they need only be added/removed to/from the group to gain/lose access to any PTA resource.
It is not used as a discussion list.
See Sagamore Hills PTA Google account setup for details on how all of this is setup.